T-Bone is quite the gentleman. He likes to hang out with my female dogs (Greyhound & non greyhound). If one of them wants to go outside, he usually likes to escort them outside.
Anytime I leave a room, he gets up (even if asleep) to come check on me. Once he's sure I'm ok, he'll go back and lay down. It's very sweet.
He enjoys hanging out with my male greyhound Blaze, but always defers to Blaze (smart boy). He does seem partial to the girls.
Outside, he's a boy who will occasionally lift his leg outside, but 3/4 of time he prefers to squat :)
He cracks me up when he play bows to my 16 year old cat, PJ, trying to get him to play. Needless to say PJ looks at him like he's crazy.
T-Bone doesn't mind plopping himself down anywhere. Dog bed, throw rug or floor--doesn't matter to him. I have even seen him lay on the hardwood floor. He's not picky.
He really likes to look out the windows to see what's going on outside. My window are long so they are close to the floor. I even saw him sit once while he was looking outside. I wasn't quick enough to get a photo. But it was cute.
He's still learning what things are toys and what aren't. Last night, he picked up a big flashlight that I keep by the backdoor. He took it into the living room with all the other toys. I told him no and put it back by the door again. He hasn't touched it since.
He is learning all about different kinds of treats too. So far he has not turned his nose up at anything he's been offered. He really seems to like cheese and of course, rotisserie chicken as treats.
He's gotten very comfortable with the routines here. He stays on his bed at night and doesn't get restless like his first few nights. He likes to nap where he can see me and keep an eye out for his dog buddies.
He's not overly fond of crating, but here at my house that's the rule when I leave the house, especially when I have a foster. Everyone gets crated. My dogs are used to it. Everyone gets a chew or a kong. Everyone knows the drill. T-Bone is just not a fan. I sometimes have to gently hold his collar, take him to the crate, release him and point to the crate. Then he'll go in, but he's not thrilled. So far, he hasn't displayed any separation anxiety while crated, but he's never been crated a alone. He is always surrounding by his dog buddies in their crates.
I've not heard him bark and I've only heard him while a few times. Nothing dramatic or annoying.
He's happy to entertain himself with toys. His favorite playtime seems to be in the evening. He's a little frisky on the morning when he first gets up also. That's usually when he tries to get my cat to play with him. I've tried playing with him when he has a toy and he just quite understand that yet. I think he will in time, because he is playful.
T-Bone is just a very good boy. I could not ask for a better house guest :)
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